Flexibility Is Key

March 16th, 2018

RG AUDIO 031618


Genesis 45:1-15

Rachelle’s entire ministry and adult life has been spent on the continent of Africa, married to an African. When people come to minister in Africa, they always hand out a schedule on paper, and say, “This is our plan, but hold it loosely. This is Africa. It will change.” Life in Africa can be very unpredictable, so flexibility is key.

If Joseph had written down his plan for his life, it would have been unrecognizable by the time his brothers showed-up in Genesis 45. His life was so convoluted and upside down from what it was when he sat under his father’s tutelage as a young boy. Joseph stood before his brothers a broken man. He knew God had taken a horrific situation and made it good, but he struggled to acknowledge. He knew God had sent him ahead to save his family.

It is impossible to know how our lives will end-up, but being flexible and teachable along the way, as Joseph was during his life, is key. God uses all of the twists, turns, and changes along our path for his glory and purpose.

Author: Rachelle Miller


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