No Comparison!

January 24th, 2018

RG AUDIO 012418


Psalm 73:18-28

There’s no greater realization than God is enough. Outside of that understanding, one will never find true satisfaction. However, once realized, it is far more valuable than anything the world can offer.

Asaph (Psalm 73) had allowed himself to become distracted by the prosperity of the wicked people of his day. He questioned why they seemed to have more than they needed while God’s people only seemed to struggle. They were strong, powerful, wealthy, and arrogant. In the world’s economy, their good fortune seemed to have no limit. However, God’s economy is different–there is no comparison!

Only when Asaph regained this perspective was he freed from the comparison game, a game that can’t be won. Before, he was allowing others to define his worth rather than embracing who God created him to be. It was when he settled within himself that God was the singular desire of his life that he discovered true, lasting satisfaction.

Author: Billy Huddleston


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