Loosening Our Grip

December 26th, 2017

RG AUDIO 122617


Isaiah 2:12-22

Isaiah’s prophetic description of the day of the Lord is frightening. The very earth will shake and tremble. “People will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from the fearful presence of the LORD and the splendor of his majesty” (Isaiah 2:19).

What is God trying to accomplish? He is shaking people loose from their idols, from their false gods–the things we tend to cling to for safety and comfort but that can never satisfy. Power. Wealth. Possessions. Stability. Even our families and jobs can become idols when they become the primary source of our identity, happiness, and security.

Yesterday many of us opened gifts. There’s nothing wrong with taking pleasure in earthly things, so long as we hold onto them loosely. God made us for people, not possessions. He made us for a life of purpose, not mere pleasure. So when we feel as if God is “shaking up” your life, it just may be that He is loosening our grip on our idols so we can take hold of something better.

Author: Albert Hung


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