Who’s Watching, Really?

June 19th, 2017

RG AUDIO 061917


Matthew 6:1-18

I hardly noticed the scraggly man hanging out by the entrance to the discount store on that winter afternoon in Chicago. My son and I were dashing in to pick up a couple of needed things for a project. We were in a hurry and it was cold outside. After making our purchases we bustled back outside. I hunkered into my jacket and scarf against the biting wind. My son’s pace barely slowed as he stuffed a few bills into the man’s hands and simply said, “Here ya go.” Then he was next to me as we scurried back home.

I was briefly convicted that I had not done something as generous. However, I was proud that my son had. Perhaps I had grown a bit cynical, but my son simply showed compassion. I am not sure he even knew that I had seen his act of kindness.

In Matthew 6:1-18 Jesus warns us not to make a public display of our righteous acts, such as giving to the needy or prayer and fasting. For Jesus the heart of the matter for doing good things is our motivation.

Author: Curtiss A. Hartley


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