Cleaning House

October 17th, 2016

RG AUDIO 101716


2 Samuel 6:1-11

So many of us feel unworthy of love. It’s natural to feel this way in a world where love is thrown around like currency. However, God’s love can’t be earned. God is holy. It is contrary to His nature to be anything but holy.

We approach God in the same way we approach our earthly relationships. We think that we must do or be something we’re not. A friend once told me, “If God sees the real me, there’s no way He’d let me in His family. I’m a mess!” I responded, “That’s the exact reason He wants you! He loves you so much that He wants your mess!”

God’s next move is ordering our chaos–holiness. Many times, we’re quick to dismiss the task of God as too hard. “My mess is too big,” we think. However, you are worthy of God’s love. He wants you.

Holiness is not about an attainable rung on a ladder; it’s living into the resurrected life and letting God clean up every corner of the house of our hearts.

Author: Matt Hastings


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