Lighting The Lamp

May 7th, 2016

RG AUDIO 050716


1 Peter 2:13-25

At the start of my ministerial career I was responsible for preaching, teaching, praying, and visiting along with some cleaning, bulletin preparation, and newsletter writing. Our newsletter was called The Lamplighter, and the heading showed a lone lamplighter of colonial days lighting street lamps along the way. The lamplighter left a trail of light as he trudged nightly, whether in the hot summer or the cold snow-covered streets. We are influences along the streets of life.

Tom Barnard commented on the idea of influence in his book, E-couragement: Meditations for Leaders: “Our influence . . . is seldom noticed, often until we are no longer around. And surprisingly, it is not what we say that people remember most about us. They remember the qualities–a smile, an encouraging word, a special gift, a laugh, a hug, an act of kindness, a visit, a caring touch–and remember them for a lifetime.”*

Who are you influencing today for holiness, righteousness, or God? Let’s be God’s lamplighters today.
* Tom Barnard, E-couragement: Meditations for Leaders (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 2008), ISBN: 978-0-8341-2358-8.

Author: Derl G. Keefer


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