With Us!

June 24th, 2015

RG AUDIO 062415


Isaiah 63:7-14

God leads his people. But it is not always through the calm, balmy days of summer. It may be carving a path through the roaring chaos of overwhelming grief, or into shelter from the clash of anger and frustration, or even while being swept along on a flood of painful memories. Joining Jesus on the journey is not flood insurance policy, nor does it protect our possessions from fire or damage.

We can find confidence and courage, because “This is how you guided your people.” God once led and still leads His people himself. This is where our hope and security lie. He does not send a substitute to conduct the trip. He did not simply give us a map and send us on our way. No, God is with us on this journey, providing pillars of fire and cloud. He parts waters.  He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell within us and among us.

Trials and suffering need not lead us to despair, but hope. Isaiah reminds us that the God who has done it before and will do it again, with us!

Author: Julia Roat-Abla


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