The Cost of Discipleship

June 5th, 2015

RG AUDIO 060515


Luke 5:1-11

When exploring the call of discipleship, a question arises: What does the call require of us? The answer comes when we read that Peter and his companions “left everything” to follow Jesus. After seeing Jesus’ divine power displayed, these men could see nothing else but the eternal hope He offered.

Other Christ-seekers were not so responsive. In a later chapter of Luke, we read of a rich ruler who sought everlasting life. Though Jesus promised that those who give up everything will “receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life” (Luke 18:30), the ruler was unwilling to surrender his wealth in pursuit heavenly treasure.

Jesus’ message is clear–the call to be a disciple is all-consuming. It cannot be compromised–it can only be lived wholeheartedly.

It is not always easy to let go. Left to ourselves, we find things to cling to–things we hope will give us life. But no life exists apart from Christ.

Author: Kelsey Beck

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