God, Our Provider

April 21st, 2015

RG AUDIO 042115


Job 38:31-41

When Jared visited his son in the public school cafeteria one day, he asked a worker what happens if a child doesn’t have money for lunch at school.

Jared learned about a program in his area that provides weekend meals for school children who are homeless or are from low income families. While these children receive hot meals at school, many do not have access to food on the weekend. Jared discovered that this program did not have enough support to serve all the children in need of help. Jared told his pastor and some of his friends about the program, and they committed to supporting it. He helped organize volunteers from his church to assemble food packs that are distributed to the children before the weekend. While the church’s participation started small, more and more people have gotten involved. Jared and his team have now raised enough funds to assemble weekend meals for hundreds of children in their area.

God has the power to provide, but sometimes he requires the hands and feet of willing volunteers. He may be asking you to provide for one of his children today.

Author: Mary Egidio


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