The Recess Fence

January 3rd, 2015

RG AUDIO 010315


Matthew 24:29-44

Young boys feel their most anxious moments at the playground fence. The dread begins to build well before recess starts, but hits its climax at the time for pickings teams begins. Lined up against the fence everyone wants to be picked; everyone wants a chance to play.

There is a day approaching where everyone will line up against the proverbial “playground fence” while King Jesus picks His team. Mathew 24 tells us that He will send His angels to gather His children, bringing them home. As all creation watches this unfold the anxiety will begin to build as some are chosen and some are not. On that day everyone will want to be picked; everyone will want a chance to play with the King.

The reality of the “playground fence” is that some leave ecstatic and others dejected. When Jesus gathers his children, we don’t want to leave dejected. If we rely on Jesus (Colossians 1:23) and persevere in that reliance, we have nothing to fear; our Savior will look us in the eye and say, “I want you!”

Author: Stephen Mayes


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