Presence & Power

August 5th, 2014

RG AUDIO 080214


Luke 10:1-20

Eva prayed that God would pry her apart from her personal pity party. Through a series of events, He clearly directed her to volunteer at an inner-city women’s homeless shelter. His choice of ministry made her wonder. What did a naive stay-at-home mom from the suburbs have in common with women living on the streets?

During Eva’s first day in the shelter’s lunchroom, she went from table to table, chatting with the women and listening to their stories. Suddenly, she felt a strange compulsion to stand up and read a scripture and give her testimony. As she looked out at faces darker than her own, she realized that there was no difference between them at all. Christ came in presence and power to enable her to connect with those to whom she was called.

Two years later, Eva’s passion for this ministry has increased. Two days a week, she joins these women in their journey to a better life. The love for her sisters in Christ has pulled her out of her comfort zone. The kingdom of God comes near to us when we partner with Him in His work. With His Presence, He brings us His power.

Author: Evangeline Gardner

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