Ready and Waiting

March 16th, 2014

RG AUDIO 031614

Luke 12:35-48

“When are they coming? How much longer do we have to wait?” They stood just outside the security gates at the airport, eagerly scanning faces of arriving passengers. Judith and her husband had brought their grandchildren, ages five and three, with them to pick up their uncle, auntie and cousins who were flying in from Oregon for a family Christmas. The children’s questions grew more strident. Waiting can seem like hard work when you look forward to something!

Everything was ready. They had cleaned the house and prepared food for dinner and for the week to come. Gifts waited under the tree. They had completed their preparation and were anxious for the fun reunion to begin.

Jesus urged his disciples to prepare and be watchful for his return. We will not know the day or time of his coming, and it is not our job to try to figure that out. Our responsibility is to be ready and attentive, so that when He does return we are ready to act on His commands. If Christ were to come tonight, will I be prepared? Will I be watching, or will I fail to see Him arrive and not recognize Him? I want to be ready and waiting.

Author: Judith A. Schwanz


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