Having A Teachable Spirit

March 8th, 2014

RG AUDIO 030814

Proverbs 11:1-13

One of the countless joys Michael had while being a Salvation Army Officer was when he was stationed at the Training School for five years. During that time he was able to witness the work of God in the lives of the many individuals who came to training. There were some of these individuals who came with a prideful spirit. They seemed to think that they knew everything. The Book of Proverbs points out that kind of pride inevitably leads to disgrace. Humility is the true path to wisdom.

At the beginning of Proverbs, the author addresses his son. He says time and again, “Listen my son to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching” (Proverbs 1:8). How true is this for us today? Our heavenly Father has much to teach us, but we cannot receive His instruction until we humbly come to the throne of grace, the place of humble prayer.

Today, let’s receive one of our heavenly Father’s greatest gifts, a teachable spirit; this will bring wisdom from the Father.

Author: Michael Paugh

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