God’s Comfort Heals

December 5th, 2013

RG AUDIO 120513

Isaiah 57:14-21

The children of Israel had their homeland, the freedom to worship, the blessing and protection of God. They threw it all away for the self-centered right to decide for themselves what was best. In their exile, they understand too clearly the error of their ways. Into their mourning, God spoke, as He always does when His children hurt. He promised to bring healing for the true cause of their great grief–their sin.

Not all mourning comes from sin. Debbie’s husband speaks of the bottomless grief he experienced at the death of his first wife. But he also speaks of God’s comfort. While time brought perspective and adjustment, time by itself did not heal him. God did as His presence surrounded, guided, comforted, and healed.

Christmas can be a time of deep grief for anyone experiencing loss. Who do you know who needs to be reminded that God’s Christmas message is that He brings healing through His Son that can’t be found anywhere else.

Author: Debbie Salter Goodwin


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