Clarity In The Huddle

October 3rd, 2013

RG AUDIO 100313

Matthew 15:10-20

American football games can become loud. Stadiums can get ridiculously loud. The noise can become so intense that opposing teams cannot hear an audible call from the quarterback. That’s why the huddle is so critical.

The noise from mean-spirited Pharisees was getting pretty loud. Their growing anger and disgust with Jesus was causing division, confusion, and doubt among His followers. So, Jesus calls a huddle (v. 10). In this huddle He brings clarity to what it means to live as part of His kingdom.

In our lives, huddles may define the epicenter of sin and dysfunction. What we huddle over may seem external, but they can stem from internal sin or pride, issues unresolved and untouched by redeeming grace. Positively, the huddle can be a great reminder that you are in step with the King.

Maybe you need to huddle with Jesus today. Ask Him if you are majoring on minors. Penetrate the noise. Get to the heart issues. Let today’s huddle become a fresh renewal of your journey with Christ. Then move down the field in His strength and love.

Author: Matthew Zimmer



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