Speaking What the Lord Says

July 9th, 2013

RG AUDIO 070913


Amos 1:1-10

Amos must have felt much like Moses and Jeremiah who both had a deep sense of inadequacy when it came to fulfilling the call of God. He was neither a prophet nor from a prophet’s family. He was just a shepherd and a “dresser of sycamore-fig trees. On top of that, he was called to proclaim a message of coming judgment. In the face of biting opposition, Amos stood and declared: “This is what the LORD says.”

Our societies are experiencing some very extreme changes from what has been the traditionally accepted lifestyle. The Word of God is no longer accepted by many as being a relevant voice in determining moral and ethical standards. Those who decry these changes are cast as narrow, backward looking, and even bigots. Faced with these charges, Christians may shy away from making our voices heard; feeling things have gone too far. We are tempted to retreat into our own little circles. May God help us, like Amos, to stand and declare in love: “This is what the LORD says.”

Author: Ronald Beech

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One Response to “Speaking What the Lord Says”

  1. Barbara Says:

    July 9th, 2013 at 7:06 pm

    “The Word of God is no longer accepted by many as being a relevant voice in determining moral and ethical standards.”

    The Word of God is probably not accepted by many as being a relevant voice because those that believe stuff God’s Voice in the world. Even the churches, themselves, choose to remaining quiet at the pulpit about political matters in return for not being required to pay taxes on the tithes and offerings of the membership!

    Reality stinks. . .

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