Amazing Love

May 10th, 2013

RG AUDIO 051013


Luke 15:11-24

We know this story. A young man wanted his inheritance–now. He was eager to get away from home. He was tired of rules. He wanted freedom and adventure, so set off for a far country. He squandered everything. His money gone, he was hungry and nobody cared. Soon he was feeding pigs.

The real story is not the son’s sin but the father’s love. The son probably thought little about his father until he was desperate. The father was always thinking about him. Finally the son came to his senses and turned toward home. Perhaps his father would hire him as a servant. The father was watching, hoping for the boy’s return. He saw him at a distance, ran to welcome him, embraced and kissed him.

The young man began: “I have sinned. I am not worthy to be your son.” His father was already planning a party! His brother and everybody who knew the family thought of the young man as a scoundrel. The father called him “my son.” His son was alive and at home. That calls for a celebration, on earth and in heaven.

Author: Juanita Nelting

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