The Act Of Worship

December 31st, 2012

RG AUDIO 123112

Matthew 2:1-12

We usually refer to them as “wise men.” The magi in Matthew 2 did spend their time in study and knew a lot about stars and omens, but their true “wisdom” is found in their acting upon the one specific revelation granted to them when Jesus, our Savior, was born.

These Gentiles recognized his star as extraordinary. They responded by seeking the true “king of the Jews.” They expected to find him in the king’s palace (a slight detour when they first trusted their own judgment), but discovered him in a small house in a tiny town when they turned their eyes once more to their star: their revelation and their guide.

Their obedient action led them to the Christ child, the Savior of the world. Complete joy spilled into reverence as they bowed in adoration and offered their best gifts.

True worship demands action; it is never passive. The “wise men” teach us to be open and searching for God’s revelation. When we recognize the truth, we must act.

Author: Michaele LaVigne



2 Responses to “The Act Of Worship”

  1. Barbara Says:

    December 31st, 2012 at 4:25 am

    The wise still seek him (not by following a star in the heavens) but by following “the way”, “the truth” and “the light.”

    They, also, bear gifts with today’s standard for gold (money for furthering His Kingdom); frankincense (the sweet smell of their sacrifices); and myrrh (their anointing for the dead and dying).

    Most understand the gifts of our tithes and offerings; however, not as many understand that our sacrifices of living according the flesh are a sweet smell unto the LORD. Futhermore, since myrrh was used to treat a “dead body” (due to its over-whelming sweet smell), myrrh symbolizes our love for the spiritually dead and dying.

    The act of worship is “love.” When we can carry out the deeds of love, we bring praise to our Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).

  2. Barbara Says:

    December 31st, 2012 at 9:06 am

    1 Corinthians 13:4-7

    We sacrifice (burn) the desires of the flesh when we walk in the Spirit,

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