Standing Strong

September 11th, 2012

1 Thessalonians 2:17—3:13RG AUDIO 091112

Anytime there is a wind storm I always look out the window at the trees in my backyard. In light of the fact that they are old, every time a mighty wind blows I look to see how they are doing. It’s amazing that even though the branches wave to and fro, the trees stand strong amid the intense winds. That is to say, despite the chaos that the weather is causing the trees remain sturdy at their core.

The church in Thessalonica had faced “distress and persecution”; yet, they “stood firm in the Lord” (vv. 7-8). Paul received great joy from their example and prayed that their “love would increase” and their “hearts be strengthened.” He was encouraged by their steadfast spirit.

It is no secret that sometimes in life we face “strong winds.” This might come in the form of financial stress, a disappointing medical report, or a strained relationship with a family member. Whatever the circumstances, we must continue to stand firm in our relationship with God; resting in the truth that we will someday be in the “presence of our God and Father” (v. 13).


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