
November 17th, 2011


Joshua 6:26-7:12

Just like food or drink left out for a time, blessings, too, can turn sour. They can turn from a pivotal moment in our lives to a vague memory. Instead of being grateful to the One who blesses, it’s tempting to turn prideful, become disobedient, or simply forget.

That’s what happened in ancient Israel. They had just witnessed a miracle-defeat of a city that would not have been possible on their own. And with the onset of victory came short-term memory loss. They acted unfaithfully; they disobeyed. When they were later defeated by their enemies, they wondered why God had abandoned them.

God warned that he would “not be with [Israel] anymore.” It doesn’t seem as much God abandoning Israel as it is Israel turning its back on God. Distancing oneself from God brings its own set of harsh consequences. If we walk outside of his plan, his voice gets softer until sometimes we no longer hear it. His guidance no longer makes sense because a prideful spirit says we can accomplish enough on our own.

A humble heart and a long term memory are a perfect combination when remembering God’s blessings. That way, they will never turn sour.


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