Not of this World

October 8th, 2011


Exodus 32:27-35

“Not from ‘round here, are ya?” A visitor to Hyannis Port, Massachusetts or Old Orchard Beach, Maine may draw this comment from a local. When Jesus talked to the Father about us, he said: “They are not of the world, even as I am not of it” (John 17:16)

People avoided Jeremiah, “the weeping prophet.” Few believed the report of Isaiah and John the Baptist with his wild clothing and frightening message, they seemed more insane than heavenly. When Jesus walked through Palestine, no visible halo appeared over his head, but no one ever thought of him as ordinary.


As Jesus’ followers, we belong to another kingdom. We’re not from around here. Though our faces may not have a physical sheen to them as we move through this alien world, the words we speak, the actions we take should single us out as belonging to the Lord who says, “Be holy because I am holy”(1 Pet. 1:16).


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