God’s Response To Suffering

September 5th, 2011


Psalm 77:13-20

The numbers are staggering . . . Millions of people in our world today still live in poverty, hunger and even slavery. Consider:

· 1.4 billion people live in extreme poverty.1

· Over a billion do not have enough to eat.2

· 27 million are in slavery.3

· 24 thousand children die every day from preventable causes.4

Where is God in the midst of all this suffering?

God cares for the widows and the orphans and expects his people to do the same. When the people of Israel were in slavery in Egypt, God heard their cries and came down to deliver them from the power of the Egyptians. But God didn’t accomplish this by speaking the words of a divine decree. Rather, he came to Moses, and in front of a burning bush that would not be consumed, he called Moses to lead the people out of bondage.

God invites us to participate in his mission of love, mercy, and justice.

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