Really Amazing Grace

January 13th, 2011


Ephesians 2:1-10

Grace is the unmerited favor of God. It cannot be earned or repaid–only accepted.

We are so eager to enjoy the “what” of grace (forgiveness, eternal life, restored relationship with God) that we forget the “why” (God’s love, pure and simple). Amazingly, there is nothing we can do to make him love us more–or less. He loves us so much he could not bear having us outside His enfolding love. His grace is there to bring us back to him.

God wanted to have a special relationship with us as our heavenly Father. Sin severed the intimacy, but it never broke the Lord’s bond of love. His love set in motion his plan to restore us to close relationship with him. God will not end his grace project until all who will accept his opportunity to be forgiven and are re-created in his likeness, his holiness.

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