Freedom, Not Bondage

August 27th, 2010


I once thought trains were limited, compared to cars, motorcycles, and planes. The two steel-track rails seemed so confining.

Years later, I witnessed the aftermath of a train derailment. After detouring around the devastation, I pondered that train. It was only free when it traveled on the track. It wasn’t designed for any other surface.

Much like that train, we are not designed by God to travel the roads of sin and unrighteousness. Rather, we are created and empowered to travel the highway of holiness through His righteousness. The Law was bondage to many who continually felt the frustration of conduct failure. They couldn’t stay on the track. The fulfillment of the Law’s true purpose is culminated in Christ by confession and belief in Him. We are no longer condemned by the Law, but are empowered to fulfill its moral intent. That’s freedom!

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One Response to “Freedom, Not Bondage”

  1. pam Says:

    August 27th, 2010 at 11:25 am

    When we trust God He keeps us on track.

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